Anton Rask Lundborg


Office 04.3.01

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Universitetsparken 5

2100 København Ø


I am a postdoc at the Copenhagen Causality Lab, University of Copenhagen. My current research focuses on non- and semiparametric inference for a variety of different data structures and problems.

My research interests include developing new methods with theoretical guarantees and analysing current methods in the fields of causal inference, semi- and nonparametric statistics and non-euclidean statistics.

I am also interested in more foundational and philosophical problems in statistics and causal inference in particular.

I am supervised by Niklas Pfister. Previously, I did a PhD under the supervision of Rajen Shah and Richard Samworth at the Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge and a master’s thesis under the supervision of Jonas Peters at the University of Copenhagen.

Keywords: statistics, theoretical statistics, conditional independence testing, causal inference, semiparametric statistics, nonparametric statistics, non-euclidean statistics

If you want to get in touch, email is your best bet! My email is

Selected papers

  1. arXiv
    Perturbation-based Effect Measures for Compositional Data
    Anton Rask Lundborg, and Niklas Pfister
  2. arXiv
    Model-based causal feature selection for general response types
    Lucas KookSorawit SaengkyongamAnton Rask LundborgTorsten Hothorn, and Jonas Peters
  3. arXiv
    The Projected Covariance Measure for assumption-lean variable significance testing
    Anton Rask LundborgIlmun KimRajen D. Shah, and Richard J. Samworth


Feb 2024 New application-oriented paper on arXiv about variable significance testing with high-dimensional omics data: Algorithm-agnostic significance testing in supervised learning with multimodal data.
Dec 2023 New paper on arXiv: Perturbation-based Effect Measures for Compositional Data
Sep 2023 New paper on arXiv: Model-based causal feature selection for general response types
Nov 2022 Paper on conditional independence testing for functional data is published in the Journal of The Royal Statistical Society: Series B.
Nov 2022 New paper on arXiv: The Projected Covariance Measure for assumption-lean variable significance testing
Oct 2022 Started postdoc at the University of Copenhagen supervised by Niklas Pfister.
Aug 2022 New paper on arXiv: Confounder Selection: Objectives and Approaches.
Jan 2021 First paper is on arXiv: Conditional Independence Testing in Hilbert Spaces with Applications to Functional Data.
Dec 2020 Gave a talk at CMStatistics 2020 about upcoming work on conditional independence testing for functional data.
Jan 2020 Started position as a PhD Student at the Unversity of Cambridge supervised by Rajen Shah and Richard Samworth.